# ๐ŸŽŸ๏ธ Tickets

Tickets are our way of enabling DAOs to manage off-chain data automatically and in a decentralized fashion. Multiple Tickets can be attached to a single proposal.

There are various Ticket types you can already make use of, with more being added as needed:

# Teams Name Update

Request an update to the Teams's name.

# Teams Description Update

Request an update to the Teams's description.

# Teams Logo Update

Request an update to the Teams's logo. You may upload any image of your choice using the provided form.

# Teams Header Image Update

Request an update to the Teams cover image in the header of the DAO page. This feature requires boosting.

# Teams Socials Update

Request an update to the social links displayed below the Teams's name. You may add multiple of Ticket to a single proposal.

# Teams Tags Update

coming soon.

# Teams Child Associate

Request to designate another Teams DAO as a Teams Division, which will then be listed under the Info tab on our Teams page. This allows to put multiple Teams into relation, as well as facilitate collaboration between the parent Teams and its Divisions. Additionally, a direct link to the parent Teams will be displayed on the Teams page, streamlining navigation and providing easy access to related DAOs.

# Event Create

coming soon.

# Contract Register

Request to register a smart contract to be used with later proposals.

# Roles Restrict Propose

Request the ability to restrict the creation of proposals to specific roles, for example, only allowing the Leader role to create proposals. This would be useful in scenarios where a new Teams seeks to start out with a more centralized structure, and decentralizes from there at their own pace.

Last Updated: 7/16/2024, 11:57:42 AM