# ๐Ÿงพ Accounting (Automatic)


This feature is an Add-on.

# Introduction

Auto-Accounting helps Teams save time and effort by recording and classifying outgoing transactions. It integrates seamlessly with Quests, KYC, and other PeerMe features.

# Features

# Automatic Monthly Reports

Monthly reports of recorded transactions are sent automatically via email to designated team members, ensuring everyone stays informed and financial tracking is simplified.

# Payment Classification

Classify outgoing payments with categories such as grants.

# KYC Integration

Integrate with KYC Providers to trigger KYC workflows based on user earnings. This ensures continuous compliance with regulatory requirements and automates your entire KYC process.

# Earn Module Integration

Our upcoming Earn module enables teams to distribute rewards to members proportional to their voting power. With Auto-Accounting, we automatically track and record disbursements made through the Earn module.

# Payment Intents Integration

Use the Payment Intents Module to preregister user earnings with specific conditions, such as KYC or time-based, disbursing payments when conditions are met.

# Future Features

We continuously develop new accounting features based on team needs and requests. Future features will be available to teams with Auto-Accounting enabled.

Auto-Accounting can be enabled from the PeerMe Feature Configurator of your Team.

Last Updated: 7/16/2024, 11:57:42 AM