# ⚙ī¸ Settings

# Governance

Using the governance settings, you can adapt voting processes to optimally fit your circumstances.

# Vote Token

The default token used for voting on proposals. It can be a MultiversX ESDT (opens new window), NFT (opens new window), or even SFT (opens new window) collection. Everyone who owns at least one of the tokens automatically becomes a member of the Teams.

# Voting Period

The default voting period (in days) for proposals created within the Teams.

# Minimum to Propose

The minimum amount of tokens required to create a proposal.

# Minimum to Vote

The minimum amount of tokens required to vote on proposals.

# Minimum Attendance

The minimum of total FOR votes a proposal requires to succeed. Also known as Quorum. This is a hard limit in addition to achieving >50% of votes.

# Restrict Vote Token Nonces

By default, all token nonces of a NFT, SFT, and MetaESDT collection are allowed to vote.

If you want to scope your DAO to specific vote token nonces, execute a transaction of type setRestrictedVoteNonces via Propose > Contract Call > (Your DAO) Smart Contract > Set Restricted Vote Nonces.

Enter each token nonce into a separate field, and leave it empty to unset the setting.

Last Updated: 2/23/2024, 12:56:05 PM